Offering one of the best and most popular Formulary solutions in the country, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust Pharmacy department approached us to develop the mobile App for their web based Formulary interface, netFormulary. Now, even when your healthcare professionals are out in the field, unable to access a pc or indeed, have no access to WiFi or internet connectivity, they still have access via their mobile devices to their Regions latest and most up to date Formulary information.
Taking the information from the netFormulary database, the App lays out the information in a familiar and efficient way that allows Users to go directly to the Search facility for key words/drugs/guidelines or, using the Formulary menu system to drill down into the information required.
Users are able to choose if they wish to download linked files as well as being alerted to when the App requires re caching for updates and changes to the Formulary.
A Key tab highlights all the icons and descriptions of your Regions traffic light status with a News tab keeping you up to date with any Region specific bulletins.
The App is currently licensed on an annual basis, across both iOS and Android platforms, with the Windows platform coming on board later this year.